Making and reporting on regular donations

Cameo’s payment form type now offers regular as well as single payments (for example, to support regular donations by direct debit). A new subsection in search more → donations lets you compare donations over time, sub-divided by regular and one-off. To accommodate this, in accounting tasks → reconciliation you say whether a donation is regular or one-off, so Cameo can attribute it correctly. Read More…


Click on either box with the logos above the main menu to get a panel of useful information about you, Cameo and your organisation. This includes a list of your recent activity and a feedback form (optionally including a screenshot). Read More…

Simplified incoming renewals

In renewals → incoming renewals: * Cameo now detects the need to Confirm Renewal automatically. That button no longer exists * Direct renewal (to deal with renewals made outside the renewal form) no longer exists. Cameo now lists all renewals explicitly * You can choose whether to send the renewal confirmation email immediately or add it to pending email. Read More…

Introducing accounting and trading

In this significant update, Cameo now offers accounting and trading. Accounting means book-keeping: the ability to record and attribute transactions to different account categories and report on them. Trading means preparing paperwork for invoices, purchase orders and quotations, receipts and expenses, sending them, paying for them and accounting for them afterwards. A new form for merchandise sales will also follow soon. There are lots of new articles about these, summarised here with links:

∙ Book-keeping and reconciliation
∙ Trading documents
∙ New form: invoice
∙ Payment form update
∙ Reporting on fundraising campaigns
∙ Bank statement updates
∙ Inventory and stock
∙ Receipts and expenses claims Read More…

Inventory and stock

Cameo now includes a trading → inventory and stock section where you define merchandise or services for sale. This dove-tails with invoices and quotations and book-keeping, released at the same time.You can: * include stock items in invoices and quotations, which saves retyping the same details repeatedly * include a thumbnail picture as an aide-memoire to the customer * offer them for sale in the forthcoming shopping form. Read More…