You can now re-send an email in communications → sent email but have it wait in communications → pending emails. This offers you the opportunity to edit the new email before it is actually sent.
To do this, click the new outline “paper-plane” icon alongside the email in communications → sent email (Fig 1: 1), rather than the solid icon (Fig 1: 2).
To re-send an email, click on the “paper plane” icon alongside it in communications → sent email (Fig 1: 2). This schedules sending immediately.
Often, however, you are re-sending the email because the original bounced and you now have an updated email address for the person concerned, which you have updated in their membership record. You want to re-send, but to the updated address.
Therefore, before scheduling sending, it checks whether the email address of the recipient has changed. If it has, you have the opportunity to send it to the new address (or some combination of addresses if it is a multi-individual membership).
However, occasionally an email is sent which does not correspond to an existing membership record. For example, the payment form can send a confirmation email without creating a contact. Previously it was not possible to re-send these at all. Now it is, but because it cannot be compared to any membership record, we can’t apply the email address change that would otherwise be possible.
For this reason, among others, you can now just re-send as far as pending emails and modify the email manually before actually sending. (The re-sent email is, and aways was, a copy, so the original is unchanged). Use the new outlined “paper plane” icon to do this (Fig 1: 1).
Furthermore, Cameo now treats bounces of anonymous emails such as this like any other. We now include them in notifications of failed emails and mark them as failed in communications → sent email. Previously they just generated a separate notification.