Add To Google Wallet now available

You can now also offer to add membership cards and event tickets to Google Wallet on Android in addition to the existing Add To Apple Wallet for iPhone.

The original article about adding to Apple Wallet has been updated to include Google Wallet. Refer to that article for details.

For an existing Wallet form, please add a logo suitable for Google passes as soon as possible.
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Updated form editor controls

* the form editor at forms → form editor is now labelled form editor rather than manage forms.

* the menu entries under the form all now have text labels, rather than relying just on icons.

* a menu button at the top left of the form, which remains on screen even when you scroll, pops up a box combining the controls above and below the form. The F4 keyboard key also does the same as clicking the button. Read More…

Notification alerts

You can now ask Cameo to send its notifications to the computer’s notification area. These are quite short: we show a truncated version of the whole notification. When you click on a notification alert, it takes you to Cameo’s notifications section to see it all.

Each browser and platform behaves a little differently. The simplest is probably Chrome on Windows. The most useful is probably on a phone. Read More…