Templates and Mailshots section given a refresh

The templates section looks a little different and has several new features to help you find and manage templates: * Template summaries are now shown in the same “accordion list” style used in other sections. * You can filter the list on various properties, including text searching of names and content. * Vary the order of presentation. * Templates can now be assigned tags to help group and search them. * Email attachments now have their own distinct template type. Read More…

Terminology change: “services event” is now “services task”

Because “events” are coming to Cameo soon, in the sense of things that you can book tickets for, the use of the phrase “services event” in templates – meaning to prepare a message from the template when something happens in Cameo, such as enrolling a new member – is likely to be a confusing clash of terminology. Therefore this has been re-named “services task”. Read More…