Improvements to Gift Aid management

· If your organisation doesn’t or can’t accept Gift Aid, we can now turn it off so it does not appear anywhere
· Gift Aid declaration wording is centralised and new substitutions let you include it in templates and forms
· Declarations now include the time as well as their dates, and their source
· Gift Aid claims downloaded for submission to HMRC are now also saved as attachments Read More…

Card fraud prevention measures: new website requirements

One advantage of using a third-party payment provider, such as Stripe, is that they fulfil the standards required by the Payment Card Industry to take payments online. However, a new version of these standards makes some significant requirements of web pages that host card payment forms. You will need to abide by to continue to take card payments. Neither Cameo nor Stripe can do this for you! It is a requirement of your website. Read More…

Making and reporting on regular donations

Cameo’s payment form type now offers regular as well as single payments (for example, to support regular donations by direct debit). A new subsection in search more → donations lets you compare donations over time, sub-divided by regular and one-off. To accommodate this, in accounting tasks → reconciliation you say whether a donation is regular or one-off, so Cameo can attribute it correctly. Read More…