Introducing password-less login on your desktop browser using your phone for authorisation. Face ID works particularly well on iPhone, but fingerprint is also straightforward. Read More…
Using “new event”
Cameo now combines the one-off event and new event buttons in events & bookings → events. Read More…
Adding and deleting Gift Aid declarations
Gift Aid declarations now appear just as text, rather than editable fields, in the membership record. To add or delete them, click the respective button alongside. Read More…
Reconcile with interim transactions, even when no number match
Reconciliation now offers an interim transaction for matching even if the bank transaction does not contain its identifier, providing other aspects do correspond. Read More…
Copy price plan
You can now copy a price plan (in events & bookings → price plans), as a starting point for a new plan similar to an existing one. Read More…
Merchandise sales: a shopping basket for Cameo
Cameo now supports online merchandise sales. This uses: * the existing section, trading → inventory and stock, where you list the products for sale * a form type “shopping” that provides a shopping basket * A new section, trading → online sales, where you manage sales (arising from the form) * Integration with accounting everywhere needed, for things like reconciliation and book-keeping. Read More…
One-off event booking form option to solicit donations
The part of One-Off Event that deals with making a booking form now also includes an option to ask for a donation in the form. One-Off Event is the button in events & bookings → events that brings together everything needed to make a straightforward event in one place. Read More…
Tickets by email only
You can now choose to offer tickets only by email when you make an event. Read More…
Payment history
Members’ payment history has moved from the member record to a new section: member info → payment history. There is now a link to that section where the payment history used to be. Read More…
Personalised forms now all use standard link
All form types which support personalisation now accept standard personalised links. The the last three forms which still used other methods, such as qrcode, to access personal details, have been converted: updates, renew and subscribeone. The old method still works for these form types in case someone follows a link in an email sent before this change. Read More…