In addition to selecting images from your own web site’s media library, you can now also select images from third-party web pages to include in templates. This has several advantages over obtaining image URLs manually, including working out useful alternative text for you and offering images at various sizes where available. Read More…
Checking template content
Cameo now checks more content in the template editor as you type. Read More…
Dark mode
You can now run Cameo in dark mode. By default it follows the device setting. However, you can always use dark or light if you prefer. Read More…
Longer inter-account transfer window in reconciliation
It has come to our attention that transfers between bank accounts can take longer than the 5 days previously allowed. So, when reconciling a transaction in accounting tasks → reconciliation, you can now choose a longer time between payment and receipt for Cameo to consider it an inter-account transfer. Read More…
New list source: donations
List source donations lets you use a list to select people, who have made donations attributed to a specific accounting category, optionally on or before, after or between specified dates. This allows you to email previous donors to a particular campaign, for example. Read More…
Attributing donations to individuals when reconciling accounts
When reconciling accounts, you can now attribute donations not just to a membership, but to an individual within that membership. Among other things, this means that Cameo specifically selects the individual when using a donations list to identify donors, for further contact perhaps. Read More…
Change to managing list subscriptions
In member tasks → list subscriptions, Cameo now only shows the current status of the selected memberships’ subscriptions once you select a list. We also now provides filters for the list of lists. This makes it easier to find the list you want to work on. Read More…
Edit questions form responses
You can now edit, delete and augment responses to a questions form. This allows you to deal with things like: * remove spam responses, * remove duplicates, * add “office only” information to a response, for example notes and result of an application for something, * a respondent has second thoughts and contacts you to ask you to amend what they said, * a response was inappropriate or offensive, requiring redaction. Read More…
More space on iPad-size screens
When you tap on a menu entry on medium-sized windows, the main menu now disappears off the left of the window. This provides around 40% more usable width when width is at a premium. Also, when no menu entry is open, the menu is displayed 3-across. This means you can see the whole menu at once rather than scrolling vertically, again making better use of available space. Read More…
Delete statements and transactions
You can now delete a bank transaction or a whole bank statement in accounting info → statements and transactions. Read More…