A new plugin for WordPress, called “cameoeventslistings”, provides two WordPress 5 editor blocks which you can insert in a page to show event summaries and a single event listing obtained from Cameo according to the criteria you set in the WordPress block options. Read More…
Formatted full event descriptions
Event definitions in Cameo now include a formatted full description field. The “cameoeventslistings” WordPress plugin embeds this in your website, and news builder blocks include it in your emails. Read More…
Copy event
Cameo now has a Copy Event button at the bottom of event details in the Events section. This allows you to base a new event on an old one, and then update only the details which are different. Read More…
Re-assign event bookings
Each existing booking in the Reservations, booking and attendance section now has a ‘re-assign’ link. With this, you can re-assign or re-attribute the booking to someone other than the original, possibly incorrect, customer. Read More…
Event classes are now tags
Tags replace classes assigned to events. They serve the same purpose. They group events together in the same way. All existing event class names have been converted to tags. Read More…
Choosing events
Places in Cameo where you need to identify an event now offer a list of events to choose from. For example, when you create a list for emailing event attendees, you need to say which event or events it should refer to. (Previously you had to enter one or more event instance numbers provided in the event definition). Read More…
Add to calendar links
A new substitution “{ticket: add to calendar …}” in combination with a new form type ‘calendar’ lets you offer add to calendar links in your emails for event bookings. These can be included with e-tickets, booking receipts or later mailshots related to the event. Read More…
Attendance form
A new form type, called ‘attendance’, is available to let people check themselves in for an online event which they have previously booked for. Then it redirects them to the event’s web page.
Rather than provide people with bookings with the URL of the event location (on Zoom, Teams or whatever), you give people with the URL of the page on your website where the attendance form is embedded. That form acts as an intermediary to the actual URL. Read More…
One off events and emailed receipts
The one-off event form now provides explicit control over any template used to send booking receipts. Read More…
Booking form invitations
The booking form can now accept bookings by invitation via a personalised link. This means the contact details on booking are already filled in. The form also now has an option to limit bookings only to those with an invitation. Read More…