Choosing events

Places in Cameo where you need to identify an event now offer a list of events to choose from. For example, when you create a list for emailing event attendees, you need to say which event or events it should refer to. (Previously you had to enter one or more event instance numbers provided in the event definition). Read More…

New form type: attendance

A new form type, called ‘attendance’, is available to let people check themselves in for an online event which they have previously booked for. Then it redirects them to the event’s web page.

Rather than provide people with bookings with the URL of the event location (on Zoom, Teams or whatever), you give people with the URL of the page on your website where the attendance form is embedded. That form acts as an intermediary to the actual URL. Read More…

Member rate tickets and multiple discounts for event bookings

Tickets for events can now be offered at a reduced rate for current members. To book, they have to use an email address of a member and cannot purchase more tickets than the number of individuals in their membership. You can also now select more than one special rate, so it is possible to have, for example, a member rate which is only available until a certain date. Read More…

Expired and cancelled event bookings

Cameo now retains any bookings which expire or are cancelled, instead of deleting them. Additional information is added to provisional bookings to offer insight as to why a booking may have been abandoned. This information also to make it easier to process refunds if a payment was made but the booking did not complete. Also, all bookings can now be purged from Cameo after a number of months or years. Read More…