About dates in Cameo

Pretty much everywhere you can enter a date in Cameo you can use more or less anything that makes sense, including some date arithmetic. Having said that, it’s not trying to process natural language, so there will always be some idioms that it won’t recognise. And there is always an ambiguity over US/European style dates as in 3/4/2019 – is that 4 March or 3 April?

Newly added for dates are “ago” as in “2 weeks ago” and digits spelled as words (“two” for 2 etc as in “two weeks ago”). All date fields are now treated the same. Read More…

About CSRF

Cameo includes a security check to help prevent cross-site request forgery. This can occasionally show up as a “false-positive” – that is, you get a security message when there isn’t a… Read More…