Cameo supports unique voucher codes which customers can use as a payment method in any form which takes payments. For example, for
* gift memberships,
* concert bookings, or
* merchandise.
They work like mobile phone top-up cards.
For example, this means someone can purchase a voucher and give it to someone else as a gift membership, without the data protection problems of the original purchaser needing to provide a third party’s details. Or they can gift a ticket voucher without needing to decide which particular concert for the recipient. Read More…
Confirm identity in updates and renew forms
When someone arrives at an updates or renew form using a personalised link (or, for the renewal form, securely identifies themselves with their qrcode), you can now opt to display a customizable paragraph which includes some of their membership details. This provides reassurance that we know who they are. Read More…
Preview forms
You can now preview a form to work as if embedded in a website. (This is analogous to previewing emails, and looks similar). New controls for this are just above the form in the form editor. This serves as a “halfway-house” between viewing a form in the form editor and embedding the form in your public website. Read More…
Personalised links available for contact form
The contact form type now recognises personalised links. This lets you invite existing members to sign up for specified manual lists without having to identify themselves explicitly. Read More…
Donation suggested amounts
Forms which have the option to ask for a donation can now have buttons for suggested amounts in addition to a box where they can enter an amount manually. Read More…
Discount codes
A new section, trading → discount codes, lets you define codes with various properties, like value and validity dates. You can then offer a box in forms which take payment, for members or customers to obtain that discount. The discount codes section also summarises which codes have been used, when and who by.
Initially, you can use these codes with the join form. We’ll extend this to other forms such as shopping (merchandise) and booking (for events) in future. Read More…
Contact form can now ask for phone number
The contact form type, which allows people to sign up as contacts, can now request a phone number. Tick the relevant box in the form options to include it. Choose either optional (they don’t have to provide it) or required (they must put at least something in the box). Read More…
WordPress form block plugin
Cameo now provides a plugin for version 5 or later of WordPress to embed a form using WordPress’s block editor. This supersedes the use of shortcodes. Read More…
Merchandise sales: a shopping basket for Cameo
Cameo now supports online merchandise sales. This uses: * the existing section, trading → inventory and stock, where you list the products for sale * a form type “shopping” that provides a shopping basket * A new section, trading → online sales, where you manage sales (arising from the form) * Integration with accounting everywhere needed, for things like reconciliation and book-keeping. Read More…
One-off event booking form option to solicit donations
The part of One-Off Event that deals with making a booking form now also includes an option to ask for a donation in the form. One-Off Event is the button in events & bookings → events that brings together everything needed to make a straightforward event in one place. Read More…