A collection of small changes provides more information about recently amended membership records. Most recent update time is now shown in the history section at the bottom of each membership record. You can use date searches with amendment dates. Read More…
Reports: a new template type for making spreadsheet CSVs
There is a new type of template for making reports and exporting membership records. Instead of producing an email or letter, this type of template produces a CSV file when merged with a suitable set of membership records as its audience. Read More…
Easier searching for members matching multiple criteria
Occasionally, you need to locate people by multiple criteria. For example, they both live in some area and they joined before some date. The refine search controls provide this, but they’re a bit long-winded for this case. So now, there’s a short-cut: the different kinds of searches in the Search More menu have tick-boxes to do this particular narrowing down of results directly, by searching only within the results already found rather than the whole database. Read More…
Direct Debit Information section has moved
The Direct Debit Information section has moved from the Member Info menu to Accounting Info. Read More…
Past communications separated from change history
The former ‘Past Communications and Change History’ section in ‘Member Info’ now shows up as two separate sections, ‘Change History’ and ‘Past Communications’. Read More…
One off events and emailed receipts
The one-off event form now provides explicit control over any template used to send booking receipts. Read More…
Easier linking to personalised forms
Cameo now offers a button in the template editor’s toolbar to customise a link to a web page embedding one of Cameo’s personalised forms. Read More…
Identifying individuals in email
Cameo now sends separate emails for each individual in a household membership. This means that each individual in a multi-person membership now gets their own identifier. Read More…
Bank statement improvements
Two small changes to the Statements and transactions section in Accounting Info: (a) you can now display all the membership records mentioned in transaction references using a new link next to the download buttons underneath the statement; and (b) the text search filter now works like other filters: it displays just the matching results (within the original list of transactions), as you type. Read More…
Formatted text in reminder messages
Cameo now formats reminder messages using HTML (formatted/rich text). When you add a reminder message manually, you now use tinymce, the same rich text editor used elsewhere in Cameo. Messages display with formatting. Emailed copies of messages you subscribe to include the formatting too. Read More…