Cameo now bundles notifications about new members, new contacts, renewals and amendments into a summary, three times a day, rather than notifying them individually.
Once upon a time, Cameo imported new members etc. from the various forms hourly. When we more tightly integrated forms, this then happened immediately, which led to individual notifications.
Particular activities can lead to a flood of new members or contacts and therefore lots of separate email notifications. This happened yesterday and is on-going.
Summary notifications
So, we now just collect these events as they happen. Then Cameo lists them in a single notification of changes since the last one. This happens in the half hour after 13:00, 17:00 and 22:00.
Tags work the same. For example, you’ll still only get notification emails about new members if you only subscribe to the tag ImportedNewMembers. But that message may now include new contacts, amendments and renewals if there are some of those as well. ImportedUpdates is the tag to subscribe to for email about all such changes.
Contacts added as a side effect of event bookings go through a different route. As a result, they were previously not notified at all. Now, these are also included in these summaries.
However, manual additions (from new members → import members or new members → add membership) are not included.