Pasting into templates from Word should no longer need you to do anything different. Read More…
Additional editor controls
The template editor offers some new controls:
* adjust line height
* insert line break (new line)
* omit top or bottom margins on headings and paragraphs
* upload and link to file in media library Read More…
Email preview: no images
You can now preview an email as it might look to the recipient when their email app does not display images. Read More…
Links to jump from one part of an email to another
You can now link from one part of an email to another. Use the {jump: …} substitution in a template to do this. Read More…
Form editor updates
Some small changes to the form editor at forms → manage forms:
* select and order payment methods to offer in a form using drag and drop
* public setting for payment methods no longer exists
* personalised details and simulation information now outside (above) the form
* form incomplete warning Read More…
Add images to WordPress media library inside Cameo
If WordPress provides images for your emails, you can now upload images into your WordPress media library directly from Cameo. Read More…
One-click unsubscribe
Sending email, and Cameo’s optout form, now support one-click unsubscribe for email messages. This is turned on by default but can be turned off in admin → system preferences. This change is motivated by new GMail requirements for bulk email. Read More…
System preferences
You can now control system preferences which affect workflow, available tools and appearance, in a new section in the admin menu. While these have always been present behind the scenes, there was previously no user interface for them. Read More…
Count memberships by type
A new section membership info → count by type lets you count up the membership records displayed on the right hand side. It lists the number of records (households) and individuals in those memberships grouped by membership or contact type, along with the totals. Read More…
Enrolled and cancelled dates
Membership records now include the date on which you:
* enrolled a member,
* cancelled a membership (either explicitly or on expiry).
You can use these in date searches. You can include them in correspondence and reports with a substitution. Read More…