Particularly when first setting up Cameo, you need to manage credentials for third-party services connected to it. For example, payment providers. To protect this information, you must now give either your password or second factor code to do this. Read More…
Booking tickets for multiple events
The event booking form can now book tickets for multiple events at the same time with a single checkout and payment. In other words, it now includes an optional shopping basket for tickets. Read More…
News builder block for file “attachments”
The new File Links News Builder block presents links to PDF or Word files more in the manner of attachments than just a plain text link. They don’t work any differently from a plain text links: they just have a different style. Read More…
Paste images to WordPress media library inside Cameo
Following on from uploading image files to the WordPress media library from inside Cameo, you can now also copy and paste an image to upload it. With Cameo’s image selector open just click Paste image from clipboard or type CTRL+V. Read More…
Postpone reconciling transactions
You can now postpone reconciling a transaction in accounting tasks → reconciliation. Read More…
Pasting into templates from Microsoft Word
Pasting into templates from Word should no longer need you to do anything different. Read More…
Additional editor controls
The template editor offers some new controls:
* adjust line height
* insert line break (new line)
* omit top or bottom margins on headings and paragraphs
* upload and link to file in media library Read More…
Email preview: no images
You can now preview an email as it might look to the recipient when their email app does not display images. Read More…
Links to jump from one part of an email to another
You can now link from one part of an email to another. Use the {jump: …} substitution in a template to do this. Read More…
Form editor updates
Some small changes to the form editor at forms → manage forms:
* select and order payment methods to offer in a form using drag and drop
* public setting for payment methods no longer exists
* personalised details and simulation information now outside (above) the form
* form incomplete warning Read More…