Recipes for translating bank CSVs for statement uploads are now added to bank account definitions as file attachments, rather than in a large text field.


We hit a limit on how big some fields in certain database records can be, in the list of bank accounts. This was easily dealt with. However, the record was so large in the first place because each account can have a recipe in it.

Recipes define how a CSV file provided by the bank is translated into the format Cameo requires. These can be quite large. That would not matter, except that the bank account definitions are also stored in the browser, using valuable memory unnecessarily.

Recipes as file attachments

Therefore, the way in which these recipes are stored has changed. JSON recipe files are now saved as attachments to the account definitions (Fig 1: 1), rather than as large text fields in the record itself.

A further upload replaces any existing recipe attachment. Controls to manage the recipe have been added:

  • download it (Fig 1: 2),
  • delete it (Fig 1: 3)
  • get information about it (Fig 1: 4) – title, file name, date last changed and any comment in the file

The principle remains unchanged: just the way in which it is stored has been updated.

Fig 1: Import statement recipes now uploaded as file attachments to account definitions