You can now arrange to suspend booking for an event (or occurrence, when you have more than one) at a particular date and time in advance. Read More…
See more about checked-in places in event bookings
In events & bookings → reservations, bookings and attendance, you can now see the total number of places booked and checked in for the list of reservations. You can also filter based on check-in status. Read More…
Box-office-style event bookings and tickets
You might want to sell event tickets in person, either in advance or at an event. You could do this instead of, or as well as, offering online bookings through the bookings form. This article shows you how you can use Cameo to operate box-office-style bookings.
Find Cameo’s box office in events & bookings → reservations, bookings and attendance. You’ll need to define stationery and a template that fits your printer, in communications → templates and mailshots. Read More…
Event check in new features
The web app for scanning ticket barcodes to check people in to events can now:
* keep a record of when and who by someone was checked-in
* when used offline, check whether a ticket was cancelled
* when used online, distinguish better between cancelled and invalid tickets Read More…
Expired bookings notifications
We no longer routinely send notifications for expired bookings. Instead, we send a notification only when it really matters: when someone’s reservation expires, someone else takes their place(s), and the original customer proceeds to pay for the booking anyway. Read More…
Add To Google Wallet now available
You can now also offer to add membership cards and event tickets to Google Wallet on Android in addition to the existing Add To Apple Wallet for iPhone.
The original article about adding to Apple Wallet has been updated to include Google Wallet. Refer to that article for details.
For an existing Wallet form, please add a logo suitable for Google passes as soon as possible.
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Calendar file attachments for booking-related emails
Attaching a calendar (.ics) file to emails such as booking receipts triggers many email apps to offer add to calendar automatically. These include Outlook and GMail. Read More…
Postcode and What3Words for event venues
In addition to a map link, event venues can now also include more information to help customers locate the venue, particularly with a Satnav:
* a post code (most Satnavs work from post codes)
* a What3Words address (helpful for spoken or printed communications) Read More…
Payment text for event booking tickets and receipts
A substitution {ticket: payment text} provides payment-method-specific text for ticket and receipt emails. Read More…
Event offer codes
You can offer a price in an event venue’s price plan which accepts an offer code from among more than one possible code.
You can restrict the number of times an offer code is used by each membership and how long the code is valid for.
Offer codes used are recorded. Read More…