New substitutions (to insert content into a template when merging) provide:

  • various permutations of subscriptions and donations over a year
  • number of years of membership

These support a particular need in a report, but you may find them useful generally.

Subscriptions and donations

These new substitutions show amounts paid for subscriptions and donations in recent twelve-month periods.

These work on attributed (reconciled) financial transactions. Therefore, they require a lot more work to look up and calculate than just something directly in the membership record. That means generating templates using these will take noticeably longer. Also, they base calculations on the date of accounts finalisation. That says when we know that transactions have been attributed to memberships.

You can see the current account finalisation date in accounting tasks → reconciliation.

SubstitutionAmount displayedPeriod covered
{show: attributed subs YTD}actual subscription payments made [1]year-to-date: the 12 months up to the date accounts last finalised
{show: attributed donations with sub YTD}donations made as part of their subscription paymentditto
{show: attributed donations non-sub YTD}extra donations, not part of their subscriptionditto
{show: attributed donations total YTD}total donations (with subscriptions and extra)ditto
{show: attributed subs last FY}actual subscription payments made [1]financial year: the 12 months covering the most recent financial year for which accounts are finalised [2]
{show: attributed donations with sub last FY}donations made as part of their subscription paymentditto
{show: attributed donations non-sub last FY}extra donations, not part of their subscriptionditto
{show: attributed donations total last FY}total donations (with subscriptions and extra)ditto

[1] Usually, the subscription amount should correspond with the membership type. However, it may differ if:

  • they have a discount or you have allowed them to pay less
  • the date when payment actually arrived falls twice in the year being summarised (say:
    • this is a calendar year
    • they actually pay a subscription due on 31 December on 3 January at the start of the period,
    • then pay more promptly, on 30 December say, at the end of the period
    • … so both payments appear in that year)
  • Conversely, their payments are just outside wither end of the period covered.

[2] Say:

  • your financial year ends on 5 April
  • today is 1 August 2023,
  • you have finalised accounts so far up to 5 March 2023

The year covered by these substitutions will then be from 6 April 2021 to 5 April 2022. Even though it is already past, the full financial year ending 5 April 2023 is not yet available. Accounts reconciliation only applies to 11 months of that year so far.

Membership duration

Substitution {show: membership duration} inserts the number of years (to one decimal place) that someone has been a member (or, if they are a contact, since they were added).

For example:

  • if today is 1 August 2023
  • someone joined on 25 June 1999
  • then this substitution shows 24.1 (it is a little longer than that, but it rounds to one decimal place).

See also {show: date joined}, the actual date they joined, which has been available all along.