A rapid-fire guide to Cameo’s main operations and where to find them. Read More…
Automatically suspend event booking
You can now arrange to suspend booking for an event (or occurrence, when you have more than one) at a particular date and time in advance. Read More…
See more about checked-in places in event bookings
In events & bookings → reservations, bookings and attendance, you can now see the total number of places booked and checked in for the list of reservations. You can also filter based on check-in status. Read More…
Box-office-style event bookings and tickets
You might want to sell event tickets in person, either in advance or at an event. You could do this instead of, or as well as, offering online bookings through the bookings form. This article shows you how you can use Cameo to operate box-office-style bookings.
Find Cameo’s box office in events & bookings → reservations, bookings and attendance. You’ll need to define stationery and a template that fits your printer, in communications → templates and mailshots. Read More…
Named areas update
Manage named areas in search more → map search. Recent updates to support larger numbers of them:
* They can have tags.
* Cameo shows them as a partial table with filters on name and tags, with show more controls (like many such items elsewhere in Cameo).
* The two area list sources now also select named areas by tag.
* Import can apply the same tag to all the areas imported.
* You can convert a closed area into an equivalent line. This allows you to search within some distance of it.
* An option allows import to treat closed areas as lines instead, avoiding the need to convert them one-by-one.
* While Cameo does not support multiple closed areas in one named area, GeoJSON does. Importing these now gives you multiple named areas.
* If the import comes from OpenStreetMap via Overpass Turbo, we include the link to the original OpenStreetMap element in the Cameo area description. Read More…
Why do I always get the error message “your password reset link was incorrect or has expired” when l go to log in?
You or your browser may have bookmarked a password reset link instead of the ordinary link for Cameo.
Or maybe you are hunting for a link to Cameo in your email and finding a reset password link that seems to do what you want, except for the error message. Read More…
Re-send email via pending
You can now re-send an email in communications → sent email but have it wait in communications → pending emails. This offers you the opportunity to edit the new email before it is actually sent. Read More…
Payment form can create a contact
The payment form (often used for donations) now has an option to create a contact record if the payee is not already known to Cameo. Read More…
Unfamiliar login security alerts
We have changed how we identify trusted networks and computers.
We now email you a security alert about an unfamiliar login if only you use both a different computer or browser for the first time and a different IP address.
“Remember Me” on login should be more reliable now. Read More…
Renewal reminders for unpaid memberships
When you prepare renewal reminders in renewals → renewal reminders, we now alert you to any memberships which you would include but seem not to have paid at all for the previous year (who should properly have been expired). Read More…
Custom field type “counter”
A custom field type counter stores a whole number but you change it by adding one with a plus button. This is useful for fields which naturally increment by one when something happens. Read More…